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Transition to 4G
in presentation, 4G, HSPA, LTE
Rysavy’s report, Transition to 4G explains and analyzes the evolution of EDGE, HSPA enhancements, 3GPP LTE, the capabilities of these technologies and their position relative to other primary competing technologies.
The following are some of the key conclusions of the white paper:
- The wireless technology roadmap now extends to IMT-Advanced with LTEAdvanced being one of the first technologies defined to meet IMT-Advanced requirements. LTE-Advanced will be capable of peak throughput rates that exceed 1 gigabit per second Gbps).
- Future networks will be networks of networks, consisting of multiple-access technologies, multiple bands, widely-varying coverage areas, all selforganized and self-optimized.
- GSM-HSPA has an overwhelming global position in terms of subscribers, deployment, and services. Its success will continue to marginalize other wide-area wireless technologies.
- In current deployments, HSPA users regularly experience throughput rates well in excess of 1 megabit per second (Mbps) under favorable conditions, on both downlinks and uplinks, with 4 Mbps downlink speed commonly being measured. Planned enhancements such as dual-carrier operation will double peak user-achievable throughput rates.
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