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Virgin Media Business Trials Intracom Telecom’s Small-Cell Backhaul Equipment in Leeds

in press-release, INTRACOM TELECOM, Small Cell, Virgin Media Business, LTE

Athens, Greece - 14 January 2014 - Intracom Telecom, a global telecommunications system vendor, announced today the provision of StreetNode™, its small-cell backhaul platform, for a field trial being undertaken by Virgin Media Innovation Trials Team.

Wireless Backhaul & Telco Software Innovations by Intracom Telecom at 2013 Mobile World Congress

in press-release, INTRACOM TELECOM, Small Cell, SON

Athens, Greece - 19 February 2013 - Intracom Telecom, a global telecommunication systems vendor, participates in Mobile World Congress 2013, continuing its well established presence at this global event.

INTRACOM TELECOM Wins contract for mobile WiMAX in Ghana

in News, Ghana, INTRACOM TELECOM, Mobile WiMAX, WiMAX

INTRACOM TELECOM has signed a 1,2 million USD contract with DiscoveryTel Ghana (DTG) for the deployment of the first mobile WiMAX network in Ghana.