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Kyocera Torque, Sprint's First Ultra-Rugged 4G LTE Android Smartphone, Braves the Elements of Everyday Life and Backwoods Adventures

in press-release, KYOCERA, LTE

Overland Park, Kan. - January 28, 2013 - Water, dirt, drops - there seem to be 101 ways to break or damage smartphones that dutifully serve as mini computers, schedulers and entertainment devices. Today, Sprint (NYSE:S) and Kyocera Communications Inc.

KYOCERA’s WiMAX Indoor Solution Passes Interoperability Testing with Cisco’s ASN Gateway

in News, ASN Gateway, Cisco, IOT, KYOCERA, WiMAX

Kyocera Corporation has announced that it has recently successfully completed interoperability testing (IOT) of its WiMAX indoor pico base station with the Access Services Network (ASN) Gateway on