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LTE Tracking Area Update vs. UMTS Location/Routing Area Update

in Blog, LTE, UMTS

WirelessMoves | Here's an interesting piece of technical insight I gained this week when going through 3GPP TS 23.401 concerning tracking area updates that I haven't seen when I went through the spec

LTE definitely needed and coming next year...dont mention Voice and SMS please

in Blog, LTE

October 29, 2009 | 3G and 4G Wireless Blog - The unremitting growth in data traffic will bring about a 3G network capacity crisis for some mobile network operators as early as 2010.

LTE Tidbits

in Blog, CDMA, GSM, LTE

Wired n Wireless - Few more interesting things on LTE.


On Relay Technology in LTE-Advanced and WiMAX standards

in Blog, LTE

I blogged earlier about Relay technology that is part of LTE-Advanced. In the IEEE Communications Magazine, this month there is a complete article on Relay technology.

LteMaps.org: Mapping LTE deployments

in Blog, LTE

NgnGuru Solutions has launched a new website LteMaps.org which currently provides mapped data of LTE deployment commitments around the world.

LTE vs. WiMAX: Part 1: Introduction

in Blog, LTE, WiMAX

Rajesh Pazhyannur - Duel to the Death or Different Strokes for Different Purposes?

FDD/TDD: WiMAX and LTE Crossing Paths?

in Blog, LTE, WiMAX

WiMax.com - At the ITU show in Geneva last week, there was a lot of talk on IMT-advanced technologies as expected. At this point, both WiMAX and LTE are obvious candidates for inclusion.

Self-configuring and self-optimizing Networks in LTE

in Blog, LTE, LteWorld

Self-configuring, self-optimizing wireless networks is not a new concept but as the mobile networks are evolving towards 4G LTE networks, introduction of self configuring and self optimizing mechanism

LTE UE Registration Signalling example

in Blog, LTE

Available at http://www.3g4g.co.uk/Lte/Signalling/lte_sig_01.html for anyone interested in the LTE registartion signalling flow.

LTE Mobile Originated PS Call Signalling example

in Blog, LTE

Available at http://www.3g4g.co.uk/Lte/Signalling/lte_sig_02.html for anyone interested in the LTE packet signalling flow.

Understanding CS Fallback in LTE

in Blog, 3G, GSM, LTE, LteWorld

LTE technology supports packet based services only, however 3GPP does specifies fallback for circuit switched services as well.

LTE : The Global Opportunity

in Blog, LTE, LteWorld

The UMTS Forum has came out with a report - LTE Mobile Broadband Ecosystem: the Global Opportunity.