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Quortus and Expeto announce commercial availability of enterprise communications platform as a service

in press-release, Expeto, MWC, NFV, Quortus, SDN, 4G, LTE

Applying “IT cloud” to cellular enables Intranets of Things, integrated enterprise communications

Quortus Transforms LTE Proposition with Software Mobile Network Cores

in press-release, Quortus, Small Cell, LTE

Guildford, UK – 30 April 2013 - Quortus, the company transforming core network functionality into edge-based applications, today announced that it has added LTE support to its flagship SoftCore software mobile core product which already supports 3G and GSM.

Quortus Appoints Simon Saunders to Technical Advisory Panel

in press-release, Quortus, Small Cell, Small Cell Forum, Femtocell

Guildford, UK - 14 November 2012 - Quortus, the company transforming core network functionality into edge-based applications, today announced that Dr Simon Saunders, founding Chairman of the Small Cell Forum (formerly Femto Forum) and independent wireless communications specialist with Real Wireless, has joined the company in a part time advisory capacity.

Quortus Signals Small Cell Future by Adding Core Intelligence to the Edge

in press-release, Quortus, Small Cell, Femtocell, GSM

Guildford, UK 16th February 2012 - Quortus, the company transforming core network functionality into edge-based applications, today announced the launch of its EdgeCentrix product which transforms heavy iron core networks into software applications that can be installed at small cell sites.