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LTE to UMTS Handover

in LteWorld Forum

Dear Expert ,

I have Query about In Lte to UMTS/GRAN network handover is it mandatory to configure S3 interface. Please Explain .

Br//Tribhuwan Singh

Yes, for control plane

Yes, for control plane signalling, S3 interface is required in between SGSN & MMEi.

Why s3 Is required ?

Hi ,

As i know in S3 interface doing Network mobility in idle and/or active state information exchange. I just need to know what all are massages exchange over S3 interface and why ?, and which interface carry the following msg like, Routing Area Update / MMi COntext /Update PDPi COntext massages , and what is the roll of S4 interface during the handover.

As I Know S4 interface Functionality-
1. It provides control and mobility support between GPRS Core & 3GPPi.
2. Anchor function of Serving GW.

Why s3 Is required ?


You can refer to 3GPPi spec

You can refer to 3GPPi spec http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/23_series/23.401/23401-aa0.zip for details (section 5.5.2). It explains the messages that need to be sent on S3 in addition to S4 interface.

S3 interface cap trace or IRAT handover subscriber trace

hi ,

Could you please share me S3 interface cap trace or IRAT handover subscriber trace.

My Mail ID - tribhuwansinghdanu@gmail.com
