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iBasis LTE Roaming Solution Ensures Consistent LTE Experience for Telcel Mexico Subscribers in Brazil for the World Cup
Burlington, MA - 06/24/2014 - iBasis, a KPN company, today announced that its LTE Roaming service will enable Telcel subscribers to enjoy LTE data roaming while in Brazil for the FIFA World Cup. By connecting to the iBasis LTE Signaling eXchange (LSX) Telcel, the largest mobile operator in Mexico, joins a community of approximately 100 LTE networks that are part of the iBasis global LTE footprint and is well-positioned to grow its inbound roaming revenue. Telcel and iBasis plan to enable approximately 30 additional LTE roaming destinations over the next six months.
In addition to ensuring its subscribers consistent LTE quality while sharing their World Cup experience from Brazil, Telcel now has access to a global footprint of LTE Roaming destinations, said Willem Offerhaus, CEO of iBasis. As LTE becomes the standard that mobile subscribers expect, they will be able to activate new LTE destinations very efficiently to ensure service continuity and inbound roaming revenue growth.
With more than 73 million subscribers, Telcel is the largest mobile operator in the America Movil Group. Telcels LTE subscribers who are among the more than 500,000 people expected to attend World Cup matches in Brazil (June 12 July 13) will be able to leverage iBasis LTE Roaming connection with Claro Brazil, which was announced in May for a seamless LTE experience.
The iBasis LTE Signaling eXchange (LSX) provides a single point of access to iBasis live 4G (LTE) signaling network with Diameter Routing Agents strategically deployed in popular telecom interconnect locations around the world. Through direct connections and its open peering policy, iBasis offers operators a global LTE Roaming footprint that reaches approximately 100 LTE networks through a single IPX interconnection that supports multiple voice and data services. iBasis also offers trial environments for testing LTE interworking, 4G roaming scenarios and VoLTE.