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Signalion Offers AMC Radio Frequency Card for LTE
January 23, 2012 - Signalion announces that its successful tunable AMC radio frequency card AMC-SRRM is now available for LTE FDD and TDD field applications in the 3GPP frequency Band 1 (1.920GHz – 2.170GHz) and Band 38 (2.570GHz – 2.620GHz). This new version of the AMC-SRRM provides a transmit output power of up to 23dBm in connection with an improved receiver sensitivity. The card is prepared for femtocell and picocell eNB applications as well as test and measurement applications.
“After many successful lab applications and design-ins of the tunable AMC-SRRM we are happy to serve our customers with a standard AMC form factor RF solution for the upcoming and ongoing field activities in the course of the global roll-out of LTE networks. The new variant of our AMC-SRRM addresses the most urgent needs of manufacturers of small cell solutions as well as test equipment manufacturers”, says René Nüßgen, Product Manager at Signalion.
Signalion is a provider of specialized wireless products, in particular complete test solutions for wireless infrastructure manufacturers and operators. Founded in 2003, the company had introduced in the market the first LTE-Test-UE as well as the first RF module in AMC form factor. Signalion has been providing wireless test equipment for 3GPP-LTE infrastructure beside its solutions for wireless system prototyping and live demonstrations.