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USA: State Of LTE

in Blog, AT&T, CommNet Wireless, COX Communications, MetroPCS, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, LTE

It has been a long wait for another commercial LTE launch after last year's TeliaSonera launch.

LTE and MetroPCS

in Video, MetroPCS, LTE

Yet another next-generation network is being built in the US, by operator MetroPCS.

MetroPCS on track for initial LTE launch

in News, MetroPCS, Samsung, LTE

MetroPCS is on track for LTE launch later this year. MetroPCS plans to initially deploy a commercial LTE network in various metropolitan markets, including the Las Vegas metropolitan area with

MetroPCS Selects Gemalto to Provide LTE Universal Integrated Circuit Cards and Over-the-air Platform

in News, Gemalto, MetroPCS, UICC, LTE

March 16, 2010 - Gemalto, the world leader in digital security, today announced MetroPCS has selected Gemalto to provide a Long Term Evolution (LTE) over-the-air platform and Universal Integrated C