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Top Five 4G Apps
As HTC 4G EVO set to lauch on June 4 and Verizon expected to join the party with LTE soon, there has been lots of talk about the next generation apps which would run on 4G handsets. PCWorld has got its own Top 4G Killer Apps. Lets have a look at them.
Live Mobile Video: The WiMax and Long Term Evolution (LTE) 4G networks now being built will be able to handle broadcast-quality data loads over much cheaper, faster, and more mobile connections than satellite trucks.Forward-facing cameras in products like Samsung's Mondi mobile Internet device (MID) and the forthcoming HTC EVO 4G (both of which both run on the Clearwire/Sprint WiMax network) herald a boom in personal, on-the-go videoconferencing over services like Skype or Oovoo.
Mobile/Portable Gaming: We expect gamers to develop a strong craving for the speed and mobility of 4G service. In the long term, online gamers may be the biggest users of portable 4G Wi-Fi routers like Sprint's Overdrive and Clearwire's Clear Spot, which receive swift 4G signals and then transmit them to gaming devices via a small Wi-Fi network.
Cloud-Based Apps : Expanded 4G network use will make cloud computing--working with data and apps that are stored online--even more appealing than it is today, especially for enterprise professionals who need access to transaction-heavy applications that reside mainly on the Internet, such as Salesforce.com's CRM platform and various real-time collaboration platforms. If the broadband pipe from the cloud to the mobile device gets ten times fatter, cloud services will become considerably more reliable, functional, and secure for mobile users.
Navigation With Augmented Reality: The Junaio augmented-reality application for mobile devices. Image: JunaioNavigation applications, which are typically married to expandable/zoomable maps such as Google Maps, are among the most popular downloads for 3G devices like the iPhone. With the promise of greater bandwidth on 4G networks, navigation application providers are already exploring the idea of "augmented reality," in which a device will be able to present real-time visual data using a phone's live camera and its positioning or GPS information.
Emergency Response and Telemedicine : Even before the FCC breaks ground on its proposed separate 4G network for first responders, you can expect local police departments, fire departments, and medical institutions to invest heavily in 4G-based systems aimed at providing better, faster, and less expensive medical and emergency care.
Well, I would love to have Video confrencing in this list as well, with each one of participents visible. Thats my wish and I hope you guys have many more.
Read 4G Killer Apps: A Top Five for more details

nice one, more relevant Apps
nice one, more relevant Apps would come as well as technological awareness of 4G LTEi grows