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Everything Everywhere Starts LTE Trial in Cumbria, UK

in News, Everything Everywhere, 4G, LTE
Everything Everywhere

Everything Everywhere has started customer LTE trial in Cumbria in the North of England. The 4G trial was announced in May. Employees of various local businesses in the Threlkeld area are testing 4G LTE using both dongles and routers. The trial is achieving speeds of 20 Mpbs, says the operator.

The triallists include a regional office of United Utilities, the Blencathra Centre field studies educational facility situated on the side of Blencathra Mountain, the King Kong Climbing Wall, a manufacturing company and multiple web developers. 

The trial follows research from Coleman-Parkes that reveals that 93% of business leaders want 4G in the UK as soon as possible.

The trial service is running on existing 1800 MHz airwaves used by the Orange and T-Mobile mobile networks and will provide Everything Everywhere with additional learnings on the performance of 4G LTE over 1800 MHz in rural areas.

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