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Vodafone Germany plans TV services over LTE

in News, Vodafone, LTE

With the nationwide LTE expansion focus, Vodafone Germany plans to turn on LTE network in Düsseldorf this month. Vodafone currently has around five million households with LTE. At the same time Vodafone prepares for the use of LTE for Vodafone hybrid TV set-top box. 

"The future of not only bandwidth, the future is bandwidth plus mobility LTE, the company brings fast, easy and secure on the Internet With this superior technology, we create new opportunities and solutions for the communications of the future - in the countryside and in cities throughout Germany" said Fritz Joussen, CEO Vodafone Germany.

According to service provider, the Vodafone TV set-top box combines the traditional channels such as satellite TV reception or analog cable TV with extra functions over the DSL broadband Internet. In future, Vodafone TV via the LTE is planned. The set-top box will also be further developed with the current DLNA standard feature that allows the box to communicate with other electronic devices. 

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