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LTE News

Yota to launch LTE by 2011

in News, Scartel, Yota Russia, LTE

Russian operator Scartel (Yota) is planning to launch the first LTE base station, in Moscow and St. Petersburg in 2011, said company CEO Denis Sverdlov. 

CDMA operators seek LTE frequencies in 450MHz spectrum

in News, CDMA, LTE

The six CDMA-450 mobile operators, Sky Link (Russia), TRIATEL (Latvia), DIALLOG (Belarus), Ufon (Czech Republic), G-Mobile (Mongolia), Telemobil SA (Romania) and the group CDG SIG450 (The CDMA Deve

Vodafone launches LTE services in Heiligendamm, Germany

in News, Germany, Vodafone, LTE

Vodafone Germany has launched LTE services in the Heiligendamm,a German seaside resort.

TeliaSonera expands LTE network, announces new 4G pricing plans

in News, Sweden, Telia, TeliaSonera, 4G, LTE

TeliaSonera has launched commercial LTE network  in Lund, Sweden which became the fifth city with 4G coverage. LTE is already available in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Visby.

Juniper Research: LTE netbooks and tablets to represent 20% of LTE subscribers by 2015

in News, Juniper Research, LTE

LTE enabled netbooks and tablets will be used by as many as 20%, or 1 in 5, LTE subscribers by 2015, says a Juniper Research report.

Austria ready for LTE launch after EUR 39 million auction

in News, Austria, LTE

The Austrian regulatory authority TKK has completed the auction of LTE frequencies in the 2.6 GHz band, raising EUR 39.5.

MetroPCS Launches First Commercial LTE in United States

in News, MetroPCS, LTE

MetroPCS has become first mobile operator to launch commercial LTE services in the United States.

ZTE to deploy Telkomsel's LTE trial network in Indonesia

in News, Indonesia, Telkomsel, ZTE, LTE

ZTE has announced an LTE trial agreement with Indonesian mobile operator PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel).

MegaFon and Rostelecom test LTE in Sochi

in News, MegaFon, Rostelecom, 4G, LTE

Russian operators MegaFon and Rostelecom have successfully tested LTE network in Sochi.

Clear Mobitel Wins Ofcom 2600MHz LTE Spectrum License for Jersey

in News, Clear Mobitel, Ofcom, LTE

Clear Mobitel has been granted a license by Ofcom to operate LTE mobile broadband services in Jersey.